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Let’s Talk Tummy Tucks

Front Tummy Tuck - Before and After

Sometimes diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to get a smoother, flatter stomach. And sucking in your stomach all of the time is just plain exhausting (not to mention impractical). Yes, the struggle is real. It’s time to say goodbye to stomach sucking and hello to tummy tucking – and get that confidence boost you’ve been longing for.

Despite all of the non-surgical approaches out there, a tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is the gold standard for restoring a toned, youthful appearance to the abdomen (and who doesn’t want that?). While it can address some fat, a tummy tuck is primarily for eliminating excess skin and tightening muscle. Your board-certified plastic surgeon can sometimes perform liposuction during your procedure if you’re concerned about fat.

Tummy tucks are most commonly performed on women in their 30s through 50s who are done having children, given pregnancy is one of the main causes of a problem abdomen. The procedure is also ideal for both women and men who’ve lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose, sagging skin. It’s possible to be of normal weight but have excess skin due to aging, prior surgery, or significant fluctuations in weight, making a tummy tuck a great solution. Ideal candidates should be at a stable body weight, and as with most surgical procedures, should be generally healthy, have realistic expectations, and not be a smoker.

You might be wondering whether a mini or full tummy tuck is right for you; actually, you might be wondering what the difference is between them in the first place. Essentially, the difference involves whether skin tightening extends above the belly button or not. Also, if muscle tightening is necessary, it usually requires a full tummy tuck in order to tighten the muscles above the belly button as well. In both cases, your surgeon will pull the skin tight and remove any excess.

Tummy tucks are typically outpatient procedures, but they are major surgery and usually require one to two weeks off from work. You may walk bent over for a few days if your abdominal muscles were tightened. By around the third week after surgery, you should be able to return to normal activities for a mini tummy tuck, depending on your individual progress. Full tummy tucks usually require about six weeks of activity restrictions to allow the repaired muscle to heal. The great news is that tummy tucks are permanent, although gravity, aging, and weight gain down the road will affect your results.

The best way to find out if a tummy tuck is right for you is to have a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons at Columbus Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery. Together you can determine what the right course of action is for your specific body goals.
